Best Shoulder Surgeon in Los Angeles & Beverly Hills
The shoulder joint, also known as the Glenohumeral joint, has the greatest mobility compared to all joints in the human body. This ball-and-socket joint comprises multiple components that allow for a wide range of motion. However, this mobility also makes it highly unstable and prone to injury.
Shoulder injuries can cause pain and limited movement, both of which can restrict your ability to perform basic chores. If you have sustained a shoulder injury, or the non-invasive treatments you’ve been using to manage chronic shoulder pain and dysfunction are no longer effective in reducing your discomfort, then Dr. Rajan Patel, the best shoulder surgeon in Los Angeles & Beverly Hills can recommend the right shoulder surgery option for your problem.
Surgical Procedures for Shoulder Injury
There are several conditions that could lead you to find the best shoulder surgeon in Los Angeles & Beverly Hills, including rotator cuff tears, rheumatoid arthritis, and osteoarthritis. The type of shoulder surgery that Dr. Patel will recommend depends on the severity of your condition. But there are two broad categories of shoulder surgery:
- Arthroscopy - This is a minimally invasive procedure that requires Dr. Patel to make a small incision at the site to insert a pencil-like camera to see inside the shoulder joint, diagnose the problem, and make the necessary repairs.
- Open surgery - This is the invasive, traditional surgery where Dr. Patel makes a cut that is large enough to diagnose the problem and make the repairs. This approach is rarely used, except in cases that require extensive work, such as mending a torn rotator cuff or replacing a shoulder joint.
Other surgical solutions for an injured shoulder include:
- Reverse shoulder replacement - This is a groundbreaking procedure involving the reversal of artificial components, whereby the socket is replaced onto the humerus bone and the ball in the socket’s area. This takes the arm control function away from the injured rotator cuff to the healthy deltoid muscles, which helps to eliminate pain.
- Shoulder replacement revision - This procedure addresses concerns caused by a failed joint replacement surgery, like due to loose implants, infected joints, fractures around implants, complex deformities, and metabolic bone problems.
Thank you Dr. Rajan Patel for the support before surgery and life time of relief from shoulder pain!
I had gotten multiple opinions before choosing Dr. Patel. This kindness, patience and detailed explanation of what the surgery would include is what gave me the confidence that Dr. Patel would be the best surgeon for me. The cleanliness and organization was a plus also.
Once again Dr. Patel and nurses I thank you for the experience and the great work that's given me relief of the constant pain I was in. I have so much gratitude and respect for Dr. Patel office!
Don’t Delay Your Treatment
If you’re experiencing shoulder pain, please contact Dr. Patel in Los Angeles & Beverly Hills as soon as possible. It’s important that you don’t delay getting professional help as the symptoms could worsen and cause unnecessary discomfort or even permanent damage. Call our office today to schedule an appointment.